The Definitive Guide to SEO

What is SEO?

Simply put, SEO means optimizing your website for search engines. With a few special steps, you help your web pages to become more visible in search results. At the same time, you're not paying the search engines for it (like with ads), but you're investing money in link building, content creation or optimization, technical optimization, etc. All this helps you get the desired result.

Importance of SEO

SEO is not just about quality content or thousands of links. It also involves a lot of back-end work. Without SEO, successful promotion is virtually impossible.

  • Industry and public identification;
  • Research of competitors;
  • Make a list of keywords;
  • Technical settings, ensuring that your website can be crawled and indexed;
  • Create quality content and images;
  • Build an internal link structure;
  • Build and monitor your external links;
  • Analyze data and create reports.

Each of these components helps your website to be visible to search engines and indexed in a necessary way. Mistakes at any of these levels will render all your efforts useless. To avoid such a sad outcome, SEO optimization should be done carefully and patiently.

Types of SEO

There are different types of SEO that differ based on the nature of the SEO tasks. 

Technical SEO includes ensuring that your website can be properly crawled, security settings are up to date, the website loads quickly, and other features that we will describe below.

On-page SEO means the optimization you do on your website, especially with its content. This includes the content you post, the header, tags and keywords you use, etc. The rule of thumb is to do proper keywords, competitor research, and content auditing before making any changes.

Off-page SEO means getting more backlinks to your website from external web pages. This is a key signal to search engines about the trustworthiness of your website. You can get these links in different ways – organic or paid. The main rule here is quality over quantity.

How to do SEO?

Technical SEO

Technical parameters play an important role in any SEO process. Even the best content in the world won't help if your website isn't displaying properly or is hidden from search bots. You can definitely fix technical issues step by step by using SE Ranking SEO solution for website audit which can detect major crawl, security and performance errors and suggest quick fixes. Here are the key points you should focus on:

Crawling is basically the process when Google or another search engine gets to know your website. A special bot reads your website. 

Website security results from different factors and actions that must be carried out constantly. If you want to be confident in the security of your website, perform an audit from time to time which will show you all current issues, including errors. Website security includes using HTTPS instead of HTTP protocol, creating different and difficult passwords for website users that are not easy to guess, using SSL (certificate security) or TLS, and application of encryption algorithms.

A user-friendly website with an understandable, clear, and mobile responsive design, contains unique and factual content, loads quickly, and has Schema markup. The last is special code that helps search bots better understand your website and render data from it in search results.

It includes information that helps search bots properly crawl your website and not miss important pages. If you want to use Sitemap correctly, you must first create and submit it to Google Search Console.

On-page SEO

If everything is already technically organized, it's time to check what content you have on the site. Google wants you to post only relevant and valuable content without copying/pasting and other tricks. This is why investing in creating original content is a good idea.

Use a content benchmark to define the optimal content length on your website. This studies the activities of competitors and identifies the length of the texts they publish. To help search crawlers process your texts more easily, you should also use HTML tags (H1-Hn, p, etc.).

Do some keyword research and optimization. You can generate keywords manually, but it's easier and faster to use automated SEO platforms that analyze different data and generate the most relevant keywords for you. Include your keyword in the text and in the URL, tags, titles, and any other attributes you use.

Optimize meta tags. META tags give search engines detailed information about your website's topic and content. That is why it is highly recommended to use them correctly. There are several types of meta tags essential to content structure: header tags (H1-Hn), title tags, meta descriptions, and alternate image text.

Set up internal networking. Internal links are the links that connect the content of your website and provide proper navigation. Internal linking helps build a healthy website structure and shows users (and search engines) how your pages are connected, your website architecture, etc.

The Definitive Guide to SEO  The Definitive Guide to SEO Reviewed by jobs info on April 03, 2023 Rating: 5

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